Tuesday 21 June 2011


I think its time I stopped reading the particular newspaper that I buy. It never tells me the truth. Last week I read in the sports section that Stuart Pearce had assembled the best and finest under 21 squad that he has had control over for years. The paper allegedly quoted him as saying that he felt anything over then reaching the final would be a disaster. He said that even without the three players who pulled out for various reasons would not hamper our chances. What a load of crap. The first game was as interesting as a game of table tennis without the bats and the ball. The excuse that they are only young and coming off the end of a long season is absolute twaddle. The second game, well I just dont know why the hell I watched til the end, I wasted 90 minutes of my life which I wont get back and the last game just showed how bleak our International football is going to be. But that aint all the paper has lied about. Cheryl (too much hair ) Cole is giving up showbiz. Thats what the headline screamed and I spent the whole day semi erect with happiness and joy that I wont have read how sad and depressed she is every day and there will be less photos of her in the paper. I was overjoyed...... for two days then the paper she that due to fan pressure she had changed her mind. I felt well and truly miffed. It was like looking in the mirror and seeing ginger hair on my head. Then she spends the nite with her ex husband Cashley sorry I meant Ashley. I wasnt too suprised at that cos I saw that coming before the ink on her assault charge was dry. I am not anti Cheryl , I just dont like her. I dont like Amy Wino either so when it was annouced she was doing a foreign tour I had a feeling that even though the papers heralded her coming out of rehab (again) I knew she would muck things up when the limo took her straight to an off licence in the same road has her ex dealer. I read the paper because I like to informed of whats going on but I just cant trust any of them. The football transfer window was promised to be hectic and  frantic but so far the only thing important that has happened so far is the publication of Man Utds next seasons winning scores. They said our troops would be better looked after, but that has taken several steps backward, the weather forecasts are all wrong and the clean up of crooked MPs has ground to a halt. I like news, I like to be informed, but I obviously read the wrong paper, I think I shall do what the BBC do and make my own. 

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