Thursday 30 June 2011


When I was growing up, kettling was something my dad said to my mum. He would say "are you kettling love? "meaning are you putting the kettle on or make some tea you idle cow" I have just been watching the news (on the BBC so it must be true) and the protesters at todays march have got a bit lippy with the bacon, sorry I mean the police and now the police are "kettling" them into areas and the protesters dont like it. One greasy dirty haired sandal wearing no job tree hugging soap dodging student was crying into the camera that he only threw a brick "to make a statement " well my greasy dirty stain on society, you made a statement and the answer was "get over there with the rest of the unwashed and we will let you out when the trains stops running". Its funny how those with no jobs and therefore no pensions feel the need to join this protest. Most of them don't work and are sponging off the state and when they retire, if they reach that age, they will still be spongers.
I was a bit miffed at the traffic chaos when I left work but I tuffed it out and got home, I parked my bike in my garage and walked to the shops to get loo roll, cos I knew I needed some, and I saw a lovely bunch of flowers and I thought, "they would make a nice present" so I untied them from the lamp post and I will give them to my sister tomorrow. I bought loo roll and when I got home I realised I needed milk not loo roll and now I have a fridge full of loo roll, so for tea I'm going to make a really hot curry. The rain tried to make an appearance but it was short lived which means its probably waiting for Mandy Murray so that he has an excuse, I really hope he wins Wimbledon this year (I farking don't cos I dislike him and his twin mother), but it would be great if the rain could fark off for a few more weeks and let me have some garden time. I have nicked some books from MCL and I like to read in the garden (and when having a pooh) and it would be nice to return them soon. I think everyone should read at least one book a week unless you are French, in that case you should spend more time shaving and showering and brushing your teeth. I'm off tomorrow so tonight its stella followed by some stella, I will go to the gym tomorrow for a letch, I mean a work out then have some more stella. Lifes a bitch, but so are most women. ooh I think I crossed a line there, ha ha ha ha ha who cares, diddly dee, la la la, everyones gone to the moon. (Did I mention, that I had some stella earlier).

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