Tuesday 14 June 2011


I went to the shops earlier and as a favour to te old arthritic wheezy lady who lives next door to me I got her some cigarettes. On the packet was a picture of a manky diseased lung and the caption " smoking kills ". well my neighbour must be eight seven at least and has smoked most of her life but she is still hacking her way through life, so maybe cancer is a bit choosy as to who it kills. I saw a picture of a little boy on the side of a milk carton and the caption said he went missing after talking to a stranger. This got me thinking about how to warn people of the danger in everyday life. Maybe chocolate cake boxes should have a picture of a fat lady crying as she comes out of Top Shop empty handed. I say this because there was a story today about the pikey sorry I mean traveller who was bitten by a guard dog as he burgled a factory. He saw the picture of a snarling dog but said he could not read the warning as he had never been to school because he had spent his life travelling around. If he spent his life travelling how did he pick up his giro every week?. Is it too much to ask that people take responsiblity for their own actions. A kid in Hull is suing his school because he burnt his tongue on hot custard, a prisoner is suing the government because he misses playing for his pubs darts team. I honestly think that we should make everyone take intelligence tests before they have kids because more and more people are growing up thick. I dont blame computer game for making children fat and lazy I dont blame tv for people wanting to be thin pretty and famous. I just wish we were allowed to tell the the truth. If some one is over weight, dont call them obese and say its a disease, just say "Oi fatty, put down the pie", if a kid is a great PS3 player but cant kick a ball or wield a cricket bat, buy him something different at christmas.
Lord Cameron and his puppy clegg have been on telly all day saying that this country is up the crapper because of the welfare system. He aint completely wrong but if I can sue Mcdonalds because the warning on my coffee cup is a bit vague then maybe I should not be allowed to buy coffee on my own. I saw a jar of peanut butter recently and the label said "may contain nuts" . It farking better have nuts in or im taking it back. I saw cooking instructions on a tin of tomato soup. Who the hell needs cooking instructions for tomato soup. Sorry folks, I need to go and lie down now, I used to watch " youve been framed" but now it seems every time I watch the news some idiot is caught on camera doing something daft. Today it was British soldiers torturing prisoners. It is totally wrong to do that but all I could think was that they deserve to be kicked out of the army for being silly enough to film themselves doing it. Are we becoming a nation of stupid people? do we really need to be told what is clever, what aint, what is acceptable and what isnt?. I dont know the answer but the next time I go out to cause some skullduggery I will leave my cam corder at home.
we are becoming a nation of compensation seekers ( the yanks started it) and we need to change. If it has a fence, no matter how high, you shouldnt climb it. If it looks sharp and dangerous, it probably is. If the sign says closed, come back another time. And my pet hate .....jay walkers. Its quite simple really, red man with line through body... dont cross, green man smiling... you may cross.  la la la .

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