Tuesday 3 May 2011

Things you should know

Things you should know, Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill JFK, Mike Tyson did not rape that woman, O.J Simpson did not kill his wife (he paid someone to do it), the moon landing did not happen, Roswell did happen, David Cameron is a snob, Nick Clegg is a nob, Lenny Henry isn't funny, Stephen Fry is very clever (and funnier than Lenny Henry), Wales is a pretty country but it rains to much over there, Scotland is a pretty country ruined by the people who live there (and it rains too much up there and it snows a lot), down South is better than up North, Freddie Starr ain't funny, people who don't pick up after their dogs mess are not nice people, Scottish football is dull, lager is better than bitter, being French is nothing to boast about, being American is nothing to be proud of, Saint George killed a large lizard and finally for now does anyone really think that now that Osama Bin shitbag is dead the world is a safer place? No, neither do I.

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