Thursday 19 May 2011

Police Budgets

As some of you may know, two doors along from house I have very annoying anti-social noisy neighbours. I don't know exactly who lives there because so many people come and go its quite difficult to keep a tab. During the school holidays there are kids coming and going as well. My neighbours either talk loudly on the phone in the garden or talk loudly whilst walking up and down the street in front of my house. Most nights there are several cars coming and going and it is obvious what deals are being made. The police are called to this address at least twice a week. What I didn't know before is that the house is council owned and the people living there have been evicted from several other properties before, (i'm not surprised). Anyway these wonderful people were up to their usual shenanigans at 7am this morning screaming ang shouting the street because the car would not start and apparently they dont have breakdown on their insurance or some crappy reason. Anyway, screaming, shouting and swearing ensued for about 10 mins until a police car turned up with two police women in it. They were told to fark off and so another car turned up with 2 more plods. So now at half seven when I don't want to be up I have all this noise outside my house and then one of the plods drags one of the neighbours outside my door and stands there while the man calls her all sorts of nasty names. She obviously didn't like it so radios for MORE plod and in no time at all TWO vans come tearing down the road and fark me sideways a helicopter hovers above. When my friends motorbike was stolen all she got was a short note saying "TUFF SHIT " when a police officer breaks a nail they send half the police force. That address must surely be on some sort of data base as " A place of Interest" I don't understand how they have not been put in jail going by the number of times they have been taken away by the police. Surely if the police just waited outside the house for one night they would have enough proof to lock them up. I don't want to sound old and moody but farking hell two cars two vans and a helicopter is a bit much, especially when in the end no one gets arrested and all the plod drive off. And the police wonder why their budgets are in question. For a small fee and a royal pardon I would happily burn the house down. I am going to E-mail Boris Johnson later today and offer to do his job for him. Only for a week but I guarantee that at the end of that week London would be safer, and quieter. La la la

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