Monday 14 May 2012


What a weekend. The last games of the season in the Premiership, rare warm sunshine weather, and I was helping someone move home. Where to start? Manchester City have at long last won the league. It only took 44 years and a gazillion quid. I don't begrudge them the win, I hate Manchester United so I was glad to see anyone but United win it. What I didn't like was seeing Scarface Tevez trying to be happy smiley with Mancini. I think Mancini composed himself very well when Tevez couldn't be bothered to drag his over paid fat arse off the bench to help his team, and if it had been me I would have let him rot in the reserve team. Still having been miffed at seeing Tevez kiss the trophy, I was very pleased to see Fergusons face when he heard that United had not won it. His face is now my screen saver as it makes me really happy everytime I look at it. He blamed poor refereeing decisions and time wasting and play acting by other teams that cost United the title. Well Mr Ferguson, if anyone was the victim of all that, it was the rest of the league when they played against your team. Football rant over, lets move on. The weather. The weather was a rare delight, it was warm sunny and to top it all, I was off. Well I say I was off but I helped someone move home. I will never ever help do that again. It all went wrong when we went to hire the van. I was the driver and the movee was paying. The idiot behind the counter wanted to know why I wasn't paying. So I told him that my friend was moving but didn't drive, so I was driving as a favour but my friend who was moving was paying. The idiot seemed a bit put out and said it was messing up his paperwork. He wanted me to pay and get the money from my friend. When I asked why he said he didn't want two names on one sheet. I called his supervisor who was eating a sandwich and explained the situation and it took all four of us to explain to the idiot that it was ok. When the deal was done and the supervisor showed us to our van I asked him why he kept such a moron on the payroll. Turns out he got caught shagging some pooper and the idiot is his wifes brother and she made him take him on and he confessed that a lot of deals did not go through and was costing him a fortune but it was still cheaper than a divorce. Then we get to the actual moving. Guess which fool did all the heavy lifting? Yep that's right, it was me. Guess which fool was sweating like a rapist lugging heavy boxes that kept splitting because they were too fecking over packed and had to be repacked time and time again. I kept getting told help was on the way but 'help' never arrived. I spent two whole hot sweaty days lugging heavy over packed boxes up and down stairs. I spent two hot sweaty days moving one person and a dog from one flat and moving another person and a dog to another. Admittedly, I did get a free chinese meal and a copious amount of Stella for my troubles, but it was two rare sunny days that will probably end up being our summer, and my whole body aches. It was most definately a workout. In fact if I had spent two days in the gym, I don't think I would have worked that hard. Sometimes I hate being such a nice helpful loveable wonderful man, but I am. I just am, but I know all my effort was appreciated so that's ok. La la la. What a weekend it was. It's now Monday and guess what? Its fecking raining.

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