Friday 4 May 2012


Did you vote? I did. I was amazed at how many people at work didn't. One guy said he didn't vote because 'all MPs are c++ts'. That's a sweeping generalisation and is way out of touch. I agree that a vast number of MPs are useless, but if you don't vote you don't get to vote. I was talking to Levi, a very intelligent woman and she told me who she was voting for and why. She made some very clever points and that's her choice. I didn't vote exactly the same and that's my choice. Voting in this country is not a God given right, a lot of people have died or suffered so that we have the right to vote. I recently voted on who should be our number two union rep, a decision I regret. The guy I helped elect, I won't use his real name so lets call him Jay, is a lazy idle, skiving tuck up merchant, he rarely does a full days work and is late on a regular basis and those are his good points. I helped vote him in si I can moan when he displeases me. If you don't vote you don't get a say. Use your vote next time and do some good. What I'm trying to say is that if you voted, stand up and have your moan, if you didn't vote, stand at the back and keep your gob shut.

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