Saturday 5 May 2012


I have been having trouble with my mobile phone. These last few days it has not been letting me access the internet and has been showing a page saying 'Content Lock, you must be over 18 to access this service'. Well I'm definately over 18 and I was getting a bit miffed about not having the internet. I asked Levi to have a look at my phone, when it comes to phones and computers, she is a bit of a genius. She tried to fix the phone itself but had no luck. We rang T.Mobile and the automated service said try online so we tried that, again no luck. The automated service said if I was still having problems, I should go to a phone shop and prove I'm over 18. Now bearing in mind it was Friday afternoon and I wanted to go to the pub I wasn't in the best mood but I wanted my phone to work so I got some i'd and went to the Carphone Warhouse. The lady behind the counter was about 30 and looked like she put her make up on while having a sneezing fit, and her skirt showed too much of her really nobbly knees. I told her about my phone problem and she said that all she could do was ring which I said was fine. So she rang them and handed me the phone. An Asian sounding woman answered and said 'Herro, my name is Amy, how may I hellup you? I told her about the content lock and she said 'Have you tried turning it off and then back on?' I said 'yes'. She said 'well that usually works, are you over 18?' I replied 'yes by about 30 years' she then said 'I will pass you over to my correague' (its a bit racist but thats how she sounded). Anyway a few moments later I heard 'Hello, this is Casey speaking how may I help you?' So I told him about the content lock and this jellyhead asked, 'Have you tried turning it off and on again?' I said 'yes I tried that several times, then I took it on a trip to the zoo, on the way back we went to the park and I let it play on the swings but it still says content lock'. He said 'There is no need to be sarcastic sir' I said 'Look I paid good money for this phone and I picked this tariff for the internet, so do your job and sort it out.' He got all huffy and said 'I will remove content lock sir but I have to warn you that if we suspect someone under 18 accessing material they shouldn't we will notify the police and suspend your service'. I replied 'yeah, good luck with that'. He asked 'Are you saying a minor may have access to adult material from your phone?' I said 'No, but if they did how would you know?' He said 'We have our ways'. I said 'well don't worry cos only I use this phone so remove the lock please. He said 'Ok I will, turn it off and wait a few seconds then turn it back on, it should be fine then, I'm now handing you back to Amy'. Amy said 'Herro, have you turned it off? I said 'yes and now I'm turning it back on'. She said is it working? I said 'hang on a minute give it time to power up' she said, 'I have other customers waiting sir' I replied 'sod them, you're dealing with me now'. When I had a signal I tried to access the internet and it came on. I thanked Amy for her 'help' and she was just half way through the warning Casey gave me when I hung up. Walking home I got a text from, it said, Thank you for visiting T.Mobile, we would like you feedback to help our customers stay happy. On a scale of one to ten, one being poor and ten being fantastic how would you rate our service today? Well I was fairly happyy that the shop girl rang T.Mobile so I typed in 3 and sent it. A short while later I got another text saying 'Thank you for the good score, we look forward to you custom for many more years'. I thought 'whose being sarcastic now'. I rang Levi and told her, she called me a grumpy old git. I know I'm old and grumpy, but what is a git?. La la la

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