Thursday 12 July 2012


Wha's on my mind? Well in all honesty, not a lot. I am having a fairly relaxing day and I am having a cold beer and a nice meal, (I cooked it myself for me). Anyway, this week I have been looking at various things and several things are in need of addressing. I just hate it when women apply make up on trains. Why oh why don't these lazy bitches get up five minutes earlier and put the slap on in the comfort and privacy of their own home? I often wonder they have to have their mouths open a they try and draw a thin black line over their eyes where they have shaved off a perfectly good eyebrow. I don't understand why they wash their hair and then go to work on public transport with it wet. Don't get me wrong, men are just as bad in a converse way. Stubble looks great on a heart throb on the telly but in reality, most of us just look like we are too lazy to shave. And what about the sniffles? So many people sniffle and snort on the train. BUY SOME FUCKING TISSUES. This week, some bloke on the train kept hawking his phlegm back down his throat, it was disgusting. And what about those ignorant pigs who talk on their phones so loudly you can hear them in the next carriage. And what about those touristy bastards who don't have the good sense to take their bloody rucksacks off their backs in a crowded train? I hate John Terry, I don't care if he called some one a racist name, I just think he is a selfish flash bastard. What I don't understand, is if he said what he is alledged to have said, why didn't he get a punch in the face at the time? If he said that to one of my black friends John Terry would be having his meals through a straw. If found guilty he will be fined £2500, big whup, thats about two hours pay. Ashley Cole called John Terry his best mate, Ashley Cole is a fecking stupid dumb spasticated idiot who needs a character implant, he is so dull and bland. The Olympic security is being looked at and apparently, despite all the posturing and promises of it will be ok, the truth is they don't have a bloody clue what they are doing. They don't have a fecking clue what they are doing. Our public transport system in London is struggling and when these millions of additional people get here to watch our abysmal effort a show, the system will crash. Why are their no decent movies at the cinema this week? Why is it still raining? Why are all scaffolders neanderthal? why is the Olympic logo so fucking awful. The Beckham's irritate me. Buy my book "A Clean Week" on E books, its cheap and a very good read. I wish we as a nation had a spine but we don't, we pay too much for alcohol and cigarettes and have you noticed the price of petrol is creeping up again? You all know I'm right, and you all agree with me, yes you do. I'm off now cos I'm feeling horny and I have some lovely soft tissue. Here is an interesting fact, did you know a rat can last longer without water than a camel? la la la

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