Monday 25 April 2011

shopping carts

I just saw a woman pushing a Tesco shopping cart down the road. This woman had a cart full of shopping that she was obviously taking home but unlike the rest of us normal people she quite clearly thinks the cart is included in the price of the shopping. not only that but she was walking as if she had absolutely no shame. There is a marina near me and every week several trolleys are pulled out of the water. Its not nice and lets be honest its quite a shabby thing to do. Why do people feel the need to nick a trolley. I would understand if they kept the trolley and used it every time they did their shopping but I know this is not the case and even though I know these big stores can afford it I am sure that in some way the cost finds its way to the pocket of decent citizens. please dont nick the trolleys, get a cab, get a friend to give you a lift or even take the bus but dont nick the trolleys because its obvious you live on a council estate and its just something else for the naughty kids to play with.

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