Friday 15 July 2011


Why make plans ? Whenever I make plans things go wrong. I booked today off because I had things to do. All the things I had to do did not involve my kids. I say my kids but they are both grown ups and should be able to do things for themselves but like most kids in this day and age, why do things on your own when you have sucker parents. I understand the need to have kids. One day you might need a kidney or when you are old and senile you need someone to pick a rest home to put you in. Its best to have kids so that you have someone to leave your house to so that the government doesnt get it, but after raising them for eighteen years or so and wasting hundreds of thousands of pounds on them, surely if and when they leave home you should be able to spend your own time as naked and as free as you wish. I wanted to do bike related stuff today but now I have been roped into house hunting. I wouldnt mind but when you find the right house you aint allowed to shoot it. I need a new battery for my bike and I wanted to go to the museum as well but my plans have to be changed. I will no longer make any plans I will just sneak off and do what I want  and turn my phone off so I cant be found or hacked into. I love my kids and im very proud of them but just when you think you are free they go and have grandchildren and the money worries start all over again. And on top of that, the free babysitting service is expected. I cant wait to be old and senile and dribbly and incontinent and totally reliant on a family member to change my nappy, they did it to me, I hope to do it to them.

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