Sunday 18 December 2011


Who ever first said that is an idiot. Christmas is almost here and I still have one or two things to buy. I have ordered my turkey and duck for the main meal and I have everything else, but lets talk about prezzies. I hate having to think about who is going to get me something and should I get them something in return. I went the pound shop and came out twenty five quid worse off. I know some people who will get prezzies from me and I know people who won't. Receiving gifts is great, but what if someone buys you a large expensive bottle of stinky stuff and you only got them a scarf, is that still equal? No is it fuck and you know next year you will buy them something better and now they know you are a tightwad they will get you socks. I like prezzies, I like them for about ten minutes then I want more. I'm greedy and i'm lazy. I cant be arsed writing lists and going from shop to shop. Thats why i'm a last minute man. I need to know who got me something then they will get in return, Shallow? Yes, and practical. My philosophy is if you get ten prezzies then you give ten prezzies. If you get nine but give ten, then next year becomes awkward because if you buy for the person who didnt get you something, they might not get you anything next year, then what do you do? It's a nightmare, but everyone likes jokey socks and a torch. Guess what i'm getting you this year. La la la . All I want is your vote for Mayor.

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