Sunday 4 December 2011


I went to the gym today. I like training on a sunday, it helps me enjoy my delicious sunday roast and helps the wine go down nicely. After training, I queued up to book a a combat class and heard some silly woman who was with her friend on the phone, the conversation went like this, she said, "no, I'm busy that night, no I'm busy that night too, no this weekend I have a party to go to, why don't I call you during next week and let you know when I'm free?" Then she hung up and laughed and her mate laughed too. She then said to her mate, "he is really nice, has a good job, a lovely car, but men love a challenge", and then they both started giggling. I booked my class and then said to this woman, "Excuse me, but I couldn't help but hear your phone conversation, and I was wondering where you got your information from. I'm a man (when my wife lets me) and most of my male friends are men, and even some women I know are men, but I have never heard any one of them say "mmmm, I really like sex, I just wish it was harder to get". She looked a bit flabbergasted so I said, "If he is so nice, and has a nice job and a nice car and is really into you, don't you think that making him wait will push him towards some one else who likes him too? this silly woman looked angry and replied " No, I'm worth waiting for" and I pointed at her friend and said "Yeah but if your mate put out before you, he would be asking her out so you might want to re-think your strategy, cos it sounds a bit lame love," her mate blushed and said " I wouldn't do that to a friend" and I said " I bet you would" and then I walked away. I left the two of them arguing in the foyer. On a better note, my sunday dinner was deelishus and the wine was even better, you ain't me, but I know you wish you were.

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