Tuesday 9 August 2011


Firstly, I dont intend to be polite. John Beauchamp, some of the things you said are fucking outragious and you deserve to be beaten senseless. Opinions are one thing but what you said just makes you a cunt. The silly fuckers doing the damage are just making it harder for the decent majority to get along with their lives. I have no doubt that 90% of the cockroaches arrested dont have jobs. Dont blame these fucking riots on some bloke getting shot cos we all know its got fuckall to do with that. Its just a bunch of thieving parasites who want any excuse to cause mayhem. as soon as one of them gets a slap from the old bill they will go running off to a solicitor the cowardly bastards. If it was about a man getting shot why are you raiding the shops.Go and protest outside a police station or is that too much common sense?. These riots are going to push up all our rates and insurances and make this great country a laughing stock, I actually dont know why I am writing this cos I doubt any of those thick wankers can read. I hope those responsible get caught and receive lenghty sentences. Apologies for the languge but sometimes its all they understand. Oh and by the way john beauchamp, just because you deleted what you said its too late, lots of people have read it and now think you are a tasteless crass disgusting moronic person.

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