Monday 29 October 2012


Uniforms, don't you just love em. They are rarely flattering and even more rarer they make you look sexy or macho, unless of course you are a soldier or a fireman. The uniform I have to wear along with my colleagues is a very unsexy piece of kit. it is a horrible colour, it is unpractical and has a bloody logo all over it so there is no way I can sneak around without people knowing who I work for. Having said that, I'm quite fit and healthy and I carry myself with some aplomb, unlike that daft guy who got himself photographed asleep on the job. I don't know the whole story but the picture has him bang to rights, empty your locker bye bye you mug. However, what I want to ask is this, if a punter starts a row with me and ends up on the floor after I have hit him back, why do I lose my job just because I was in uniform? If someone hits me surely its only natural to hit back. What I'm wearing should not matter. Many of my colleagues have been fired for retaliation purely on the fact they were in uniform. If some chinless wonder in a suit has the hump cos the train is late and he missed a company piss up and assaults me surely its within my rights to defend myself regardless of what I'm wearing. Oh no, apparently not. If I'm in uniform and someone assaults me, I'm supposed to run away and seek help or refuge. For those of you who know me, you know that if someone hits me, win lose or draw I'm hitting back. We get issued with spit kits and are told if someone spits on you, take a swab and hand it to the police and if that person has a record they will be found. I'm sorry but if someone spits on me they will definitely be found, on the bloody floor where I've knocked them out. Its not right that someone can have a barney with anyone anywhere who wears a uniform and the uniform wearer gets the sack or at the very least severely reprimanded. I think both parties should be treated the same in uniform or not. Can I just ask any hotheaded member of the public who likes to intimidate people because they are in uniform that one day they might just pick on the wrong person. Things happen for different reasons and trains are late for many reasons, so before you turn into Billy Big Balls and start attacking a member of staff, just remember....sometimes we bite back. Oh and another thing, this dirty trick of taking photos of people at work supposedly not doing their job properly,and posting it on twitter, bloody well stop it, its cowardly and uncalled for you dirty sneaky cowardly trouble making piece of flotsam. Here is an interesting fact,the Vauxhall Nova didn't sell well in Mexico because over there Nova translates as "won't go". la la la

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