Thursday 11 October 2012


Allegedly, Jimmy Saville was a paedo. Several people have come out after his death and have made claims that Jimmy was a kiddie fiddler. I don't doubt for one second that some of these claims are true, however why the hell did none of these people make these claims whilst the weirdo was alive? He was obviously a bit strange. He wore shell suits when they were fashionable and made them look unfashionable. He wore such crap jewellery you couldn't get cheaper at Argus. He held a cigar but never smoked it and he lived with his mum. Yes the weird looking man lived with his mum. That alone tells you what sort of grown man lives with his mum, especially when you have his kind of money. Don't get me wrong, I never liked him. I never watched his shows, back then and even today I hate the show Top Of The Pops, and he was a shite DJ. But my question is why did no one say something when the freak was alive and could defend himself. Just like that ugly ginger girl who said she was his love child? Why not speak up when he was around to be confronted. I must say its a bit suspect that all these people are saying Jimmypaed touched them up three weeks after the press revealed he left an estate worth three million quid. That nurse who claims she told her boss should have told the police and/or anyone who would listen so I think she is responsible for Jimmypaed getting away with it. They say he was a powerful man, was he fuck, he was on telly, that's all he did, its not like he was a senior police man who back in the 70's and 80's could fit you up and have you put away. Jimmypaed is buried so that he can face his beloved Leeds football club, personally I think that's a punishment in itself but if he is found guilty I would dig him up and turn him around to face fuck all. I think he will be found guilty all he can't speak for himself now and I think he didn't act alone but I'm sure those at the BBC who knew will cover up their involvements. My concern is the compensation that will be paid out, the will be a huge change at the Beeb and I'm worried that the TV licence will go up. Freddy Starr has been linked with this story, again a person who was supposed to be funny and charitable turns out to be a kiddie fiddler. If we look back in history lots of clowns and people who pretend to do it for the children tend to be nonce's. I'm not tarring all do gooder's with same brush but we need to a much closer harder look when people say they want to work with children.I went to a Freddie Starr show once, it was billed as a comedy, talk about laugh, I thought I would never start. This story has a lot more mileage and I'm sure the truth will come out but I want to say to any vulnerable people, if some one does you a wrong un tell someone, tell everyone and don't wait until the person dies, if that person is rich and famous scream out loud until you ruin them. If you are a parent of one of these alleged victims and you were told but did nothing I hope you get anal cancer. Sorry for my rant but this story is shameful as shameful as Jimmypaeds hair and tracksuits la la la. Here is an interesting fact, swans are the only birds that have penises.

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