Wednesday 18 April 2012


I have been people watching this week, and I am equally amazed and appalled. It started a couple of days ago. I was in the staff toilet (not coastal) and I thought it was empty. I was at the urinal having a pee and I heard someone talking. I looked round but there was no one there. I was just shaking the drips when I heard someone say 'hang on a second'. Then I heard rustling and fumbling and then a toilet was flushed and a cubicle door opened. A conductor came out and he was on the phone. How nasty is that? He had a dump whilst on the phone. The shocking thing is he looked in the mirror and straightened his hair with his free hand and walked out, he didn't wash his hands the dirty bugger. Anyway, being the saint I am I washed my hands and went into the crew room and there was this disease spreading pig having cup of tea and a bag of crisps. I looked at him and stared hard he looked up and said 'what??' I shook my head and just said 'you know very well what'. It made me think how many other disgusting people are there that I work with. This first pig sucked his fingers whilst eating his crisps. He didn't wash his hands. Later in the day I saw another driver who was moaning about his aching feet take his shoes and socks off and rub his feet for several minutes and then put his shoes and socks back on then he went off to drive a train. He did not wash his hands. A female guard made a cup of tea in the kitchen, she took the tea bag out of the cup with a spoon and flicked it in the bin, when she did this she also dropped the spoon in the bin. She reached in and retrieved the spoon, wiped it on her sleeve and went and sat down , she too was having her lunch. She did not wash her hands. I have been watching people for several days and I am flabbergasted at how many people pick their noses, or reach into their pants for a scratch, dig out their ears with a finger nail and don't wash their hands. Years ago my mate had a wife who worked in a chemist and she was always off sick. I thought she was just a fat lazy bitch but my mate made the excuse that it was people entering the shop and spreading lurgies. Now that I think about it, he may have a point. We all heard the story about research into the bar snacks that are left out for customers to help themselves to. It was found they contained several different types of urine and faeces. Well it may be the same with the people you work with. I know I work with people who don't wash their hands and I'm bloody certain that people in my local pub don't either cos I've seen them piss and leave, mind you the towel in the pub is minging. So on that note here is my advice to everyone, wash your fucking hands.

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