Tuesday 24 April 2012


Driving home today made me realise that this country is going down the crapper. I saw a bus stop at a bus stop and there were about eight or nine people waiting. As soon as the bus stopped it was like a scrummage to get on. The queue, if you could call it a queue just disintergrated and everyone pushed and shoved their way on board. Age concern went out the window and the little old biddy was cast aside by younger stronger people. Politeness went out the same window as a tall track suiited man with blond hair that was dyed black at the roots shoved a woman with shopping out the way an got on before her. It was quite annoying to watch but at the same time I was reminded of the opening credits of The Simpsons, when Bart nicks the bus stop and everyone has to run. As I entered my street, I saw one of the residents walking her dog. A right ugly dirty older woman, never without a fag hanging from her rotten teeth, and always wearing a dirty apron over her equally dirty dress. I happen to know the dog was a gift from her grandkids cos she moaned that they didn't visit and she was lonely. They bought her a dog cos her house is a mess and they don't want to visit. Anyway, this mongrel dog took an almighty dump in the street and she just stood there. I asked if she was going to pick it up and her reply was 'no fucking way'. I said 'ok, leave it there, I will stuff it through your letter box later' she stuck her fingers up and I told her I wasn't joking. Earlier this week I was in a shop and a fat lady in a gold skirt (yeah , gold, she looked a right pillock was at the checkout on the mobile phone. I thought that was rude and I could tell the cashier wasn't too pleased either. Even worse was when the total came up the daft bat wanted to pay in small change and tried to count £18 in change whilst still having a conversation. It took fucking ages so I told her that she was rude. She kissed her teeth at me and I laughed. I said to her 'if you were black that might suit you, but seeing as you are a pikey low life, you just made yourself look like a right diloon' the cashier said she agreed and we both laughed this ridiculous woman out of the shop. I think we all need to start showing each other more respect and politeness. Don't get me wrong, I aint no saint and I think old people should have their own shops and I think pregnant women should stop whining about getting a seat on the bus and I think ginger haired people should stay home or wear a big hat, however manners cost nothing and it would be nice to know that a bus queue still works as a queue should, but can I just warn all the ignorint selfish pigs out there, if you are in my queue when a bus comes, if you try to jump in front of me you will end up under the bus. Actually, I'm too rich and posh to travel by bus so ignore that. OK if you are in my queue at the bar in the pub (which sounds more like it) don't jump in front of me cos I like my beer and you wouldn't want to have a bag of salted peanuts shoved up you nose by an angry sober me. Bottom line, lets all try to be nice. I hate David Cameron, Nick Clegg is a joke, Ken Livingston is a rodent, Boris Johnson is a fat waste of skin and my new pet hate Brian Paddick is not worth picking on cos he is mentally defenceless. La la la, vote for me.

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