Tuesday 28 February 2012


Front page of last nights paper has bumbling Boris saying that he wants a second term so that he can take away the power of the unions and introduce driverless trains by 2014. Who is he trying to fool. Margaret Thatcher tried to crush the unions and look what happened to her. Does he really think people will subscribe to a union if they had no power? How many people will he effectively be putting out of work if he got his way. Unlike the weasel Ken Livingston who likes the unions because of all the perks they shove his way to help him help them be as dodgy as he is. And as for driverless trains who the hell wants them? Can you really imagine an eight car train with over a thousand passengers on hurtling around? Can you imagine the shitstorm if one crashed because there was no one up front to apply the brakes in an emergency? God forbid a crash should occur and 50, 60, or even more people died. How much would it cost to retrain drivers and re-train station staff and re-educate passengers how to board trains again. The cost would be immense and who do you think would foot the bill. Dont forget, my fellow Londoners, we don't do things well. Remember the fiasco that was the Millenium Dome? Remember the fiasco that was Wembley, remember the fiasco that was the walking bridge over the Thames? Yeah so do I. We spend too much money getting things wrong. The sad state is that we are being run by a half wit who is being challenged by a weasel who dreams of being a half wit. I can't believe they sent my cheque back (less administration charge) but lost my paperwork. Its a shame Alan Sugar wont run as he thinks the same way I do. It would be super if Boris woke up from his coma and listened to the people who vote and Ken should lock himself away and stick his thumb up his arse and stay away. I did write to Boris but it was the day his secretary had a day off so he had no one to read it to him. I am still fighting my corner, I haven't given up. Watch this space la la la

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