Thursday 23 February 2012


Todays paper is winding me up. It's full of people not happy about doing things they are paid to do. Firstly, I read that airline pilots are moaning about working long hours. So what? Millions of people work long and hard hours and don't get nowhere near as much as these arrogant snobs. Apparently the pilots union say that if a pilot has to get up at 5 am to start work at 7 am and then has a long journey home again, then his day is too long. What a load of crap, some people have to be at work for 5am and need to get up at 3am to do it and for a lot less money. Pilots earn good money, very good money, they buy nice houses away from noisy flight paths then moan it takes too long to get to work. Tell them to wake up and get real. It's their choice to do that job, tell them that they signed up to fly and if they don't like it, fark off and do something else. Story number two is a bishop moaning that churches are being attended by fewer people and vicars are getting depressed and the government should do something about it. Let me tell you, I have been to church and it was bloody boring. It was bloody cold and the seats were too hard. The sermon was so dull people were dozing off. The only people who go to church are very old and who are knocking on the pearly gates and are trying to earn some brownie points. It needs some fire and brimstone sermons to liven things up, put the fear of God into people. Story number three was a teacher who moaned that at the weekends, when he is supposed to be off, he bumps into his pupils all the time and they strike up conversations about school. When I was at school, the only I saw a teacher at the weekend was to scratch his car or throw dog poop at his front door. This guy should feel himself lucky the kids want to talk to him. Too many people have jobs they don't want to do, we have some at our firm, the biggest skiving, slack jawed guy, I won't use his real name so lets call him Jay Brook is always trying to get out of working. Can I just say there are lots of people looking for work, if you don't want your job let them have it. Ken Livingston was also moaning, but then again thats all he ever does. I really dislike that weasel. Vote for me, la la la

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