Sunday 19 February 2012


Iran, has stopped selling oil to the UK. Wow let me put my beer down and reach for a hanky. Who the fark do these fecking desert monkeys think they are? They have just mastered electricity and are dabbling with nuclear weapons and all of a sudden they think they are a major player on the world stage. They don't want to sell us oil, ok lets take our money and go elsewhere. It's their loss. When no one wants to buy their slave labour oil and their people start to starve cos no one wants to deal with them, maybe just maybe the raghead wankers will see sense. They strike me as the sort of people who think that just because they have something to sell they are very important. Well let me tell you Mr Iranian nobody, British Telecom thought they were important until everone bought mobile phones. British Airways thought they were important until Easyjet rolled up on the runway. BBC1 and 2 thought there were the big cheese until Channel 4 started doing better shows for the masses. So can I just to the Iranian people, you have a fecking madman running your vast sandy desert of a crap hole country, and its not exactly a fantastic holiday hotspot to go to. History is full of dumb power crazy didtators, and they all tried to flex muscles they didnt have. England may be a ccountry known for letting those knobsuckers at Brussels tell us what to do, but when its time to go round the back of the bike shed after school for a tear up, we dont back down, we always win and we fucking hurt when we bite. Kiss our collective British arses Iran. We have BP, and when its not leaking oil in the ocean, they make a good drop of the black stuff.

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